class 3 s st Family part 1

            class 3 s st Family part 1






1. How did you feel when you could join a group of required members? Why?

Ans. If feels good because we become members of that group.

2. How did you feel if you could not join any group. Why?

Ans. If feels bad as now we are alone.

3. Do you like to be with people?

Ans. Yes.

4. With whom do you like to be more?

Ans. We like to be with our mother-father, brother-sister, and friends.

5. How would you feel if you always had to be alone?

Ans. We would feel bad.

6. How are these people related to each other?

Ans. They are parents and siblings.

7. Who all are there in Sitamma’s family?

Ans. Grandmother, Grandfather, Younger Chacha, Bua, Father, Mother, Gitamma, Tauji, Tauji’s three children, Elder Chachi, Chachi.

8. How is the relationship between the different people in the family?

Ans. Tauji, father, younger chacha, and elder chacha are four brothers. They have one sister – Bua. All of them are the children of grandfather and grandmother. Gemma and Sitamma are two sisters. Tauji his father’s elder brother, elder chacha is younger to father and elder to younger chacha.

9. In the last one year what are the changes that happened in the family?

Ans. Last year: (i) Taiji died. (ii) Elder Chacha was married.

10. Who takes care of Tara? How?

Ans. Tara’s nana takes care of her. He gives her to eat, helps her in doing school’s homework, and plays with her.

11. What are the things the family members do together?

Ans. During vacations, they go too far off places and enjoy.

12. Who all are there in this family?

Ans. Sara, Habib, and Habib’s abbu are there in the family.

13. Abby enjoys watching television with the others. Why?

Ans. Abby enjoys watching television with the other. He enjoys discussion as well.

14. How do the family members enjoy it?

Ans. On holidays, the neighbor’s children came to their house and create a lot of noise.

15. How to Totaram’s family members keep in contact, with each other?

Ans. Once in a year, Totaram goes to his village. He also writes long letters to his mother.

16. Which members of Totaram’s family live in the city and which live in the village? Why?

Ans. Totaram’s family, uncle, and cousin brother live in the city. Totaram’s father and uncle work there while Totaram and his cousin brother study there. Totaram’s mother, dada, dada, Chachi and younger brothers and sisters live in the village.

17. How does Krishna take care of his sister?

Ans. Krishna leaves Kaveri at school and goes to college. He returning from college, he feeds Kaveri and himself.

18. What activities are done together in the family?

Ans. Father, Krishna, and Kaveri get ready and move together. In the evening, all three cook food and eat together.

Class 3 EVS Families can be Different

19. What are the things that happen in a family?

Ans. (i) Everyone watches TV.
(ii) Everyone cares for each other.
(iii) Everyone eats together with others.
(iv) Everybody enjoys with each other.

NCERT solutions for Class 3 EVS  Chapter 21 Families can be Different

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